







“《Rakuen》是一个很好的游戏。如果你喜欢《To the Moon》和《Undertale》等叙事类角色扮演游戏,绝对可以在steam上购买它。Laura Shigihara是这个游戏的主要开发者。可能你不认识她,要知道她就是《To the Moon》中歌曲《Everything’s Alright》的作曲者,所以,至少要期待一曲优美的原声配乐。”




“Papyrus reading his favourite storybook to the Boy from Rakuen.”

“Thought that these two would enjoy each other’s company. Papyrus is super kid-friendly. And the Boy loves stories.”

“Rakuen is a wonderful game. If you like narrative RPGs like To the Moon and Undertale, definitely buy it on Steam. Laura Shigihara is the main dev of this game.  If you don’t know her, she’s the composer for To the Moon’s ‘Everything’s Alright’. So, at the very least expect a beautiful soundtrack.”

“As for the story… remember to bring a box of tissues for all the inevitable tears. Both from laughter and from sadness. Don’t let the RPGMaker engine deter you.”

“For those from the Rakuen side, if you’re unfamiliar with Undertale I highly recommend you to get it too! It’s about a child who fell into a confined monster nation. The child has two chioices to tackle their predicament: with violence or with mercy. It’s a game where you don’t have to kill anybody.”

“Super charming charcters. The majority of the UT fandom loves this tall precious skeleton for a reason :D”


Peach's ps:《Rakuen》真的也是款不错的像素游戏,steam上36r可以买到,流程6~11小时~跟UT这种有战斗要素的不同,Rakuen是解谜类的并没有战斗要素。预期不久后就会有steam官中了:D(汉化组提供的),现在还在测试中,不过可以在steam评论区里找到链接下载汉化补丁(不影响成就)。它的剧情和音乐方面都不错,私心推荐大家去玩一玩~


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